Next Steps on Senate Bill 132-KILL THE BILL-3/10/25


*Senate Bill 132 (SB132) is extremely detrimental to the State of Alabama, citizens, patients and the Hemp/Cannabis community of small business owners and ADULT users.


Call every single Senate Healthcare Committee member and urge them to VOTE NO on SB132. It does not in any way protect us. It is in direct violation of the 2018 Farm Bill which already makes Hemp products (approved and up to standard) legal to sell to those 21 and older. It will destroy small businesses that are already compliant and following the rules. The biggest issue is getting these products OUT OF STORES that are not qualified to sell healthy and alternative medications to individuals. We need a way to legally keep the bad actors out and provide for the ones acting accordingly to public safety. The AHTA counter bill did just that. SB132 DOES NOT DO THAT. It creates unrealistic barriers and it creates unnecessary burdensome tasks for store owners.


Here are our TOP 5 concerns:

Here are ALL of our concerns and final analysis:

Here is where you can find the Senate Healthcare committee:

Here is where you can download and read the substitute:


Preliminary 1-bill committee hearing-3/6/25

On Thursday March 6, the Senate Healthcare committee held a 1 bill hearing to try and get SB132 voted up or down. Apparently there was an amendment offered and confusion on what was actually added and what wasn't. The committee decided to table the bill (again for the 2nd time) til the next meeting. The legislature is on break next week, 3/10 to 3/14, so we expect it to be back on the agenda for Wednesday 3/19/25. 

It has been reported by some other advocate organizations, the amendment is dealing with flower. We will know more when we see the substitute. The Alabama Hemp Trade Association plans to meet tomorrow and discuss next steps. At this point, we either have to get a House member on board with us to get these detrimental parts removed and bring it back closer to our original counter bill, OR make a huge push to kill this bill. That decision will be made tomorrow as well. 


Senate Healthcare committee hearing-3/5/25

On Wednesday March 5, the Senate Healthcare committee held its regular scheduled weekly hearing. SB132 (as substituted) was heard but with very limited communication. There was an amendment offered but tabled along with the substitute because nobody had had time to read it-it was just delivered in its final form 10 minutes prior to the meeting start. A preliminary committee hearing was scheduled for tomorrow (3/6) morning to discuss further.

Senate Healthcare committee hearing-2/26/25

SB132 was initially heard in committee-and a substitute was offered. The AHTA had provided Senator Melson with our counter bill to SB132 (as introduced). He took that counter bill along with the original bill and a bill from the Vape advocacy organizations, and combined them to 'rewrite or substitute' SB132. While trying to satisfy the outcry for public safety he ultimately created a 'ban bill' without using the specific word BAN! The substitute entered had an amendment and that along with the bill was tabled and carried over to next Wednesday (3/5) for discussion and vote.

AHTA comparison of our counter bill to SB132 _Analysis Sb 132 Subsitute.docx

The AHTA offeres their counter bill to SB132

Today the Alabama Hemp Trade Association introduced our very tailored and specific alternative bill for SB132 to Senator Melson. *The Alabama Fair, Practical & Hemp Regulations Act*.  We have worked hard for 4 years to get this done and in front of legislators, so that we can hopefully protect our industry and patients. 



Links to documents/press releases ordered by date of release

2/6/25-original pdf of SB132 (this is how it was introduced) SB72-int.pdf

2/11/25-AHTA Press Release to SB132 (as introduced) wtrmk-SB132 press release.pdf

2/11/25-AHTA Open Letter to Senator Melson wtrmk open Melson letter.pdf

2/26/25-SB132 (as substituted) SUB-Sb132.pdf